Meeting documents

  • Meeting of BMKFA Overview & Audit Committee, Wednesday 24th September 2014 10.00 am (Item 11.)


In accordance with Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972the Chairman ruled that the Committee should consider the Audit Results Report as an urgent item in order to allow the Committee to approve the accounts prior to 30 September 2014.

The External Auditor advised Members that the report set out the conclusion of the 2013/14 audit, which is substantially complete. It concluded that the Authority had made proper arrangements to secure economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources.

The External Auditor apologised to the Committee for their resourcing problems which caused avoidable delays and pressure on finance staff, which was regrettable.

The audit plan touched on opinion risk with only the risk of management override identified. This was common in all audit plans, but there were no issues arising from that risk and there were no other risks identified.

With regard to errors and amendments there were no errors that the Authority was mindful to correct. There were however some noteworthy amendments.

One was on the valuation of fixed assets. The Authority had its land and buildings valued at 31 March 2014 and used these valuations as at 1 April 2013. It depreciated these higher opening valuations. This overstated the depreciation and impairment in the year and understated the 31 March 2014 net book value of land and buildings. Amendments had been made to bring the two into line. This did not affect the bottom line in the accounts or useable funds.

The localisation of business rates had introduced new accounting requirements to reflect the Fire Authority’s share of business rates income from its five billing authorities. The Fire Authority reported the cash received from the billing authorities as business rates income. The Fire Authority was required to account for its share of actual business rates income and should include in its accounts it share of ratepayers’ debts and prepayments and the provision for unsettled valuation appeals. An adjustment was required to match the impact on council taxpayers to statutory precepts received.

Injury awards payable to Firefighters attributable to a qualifying injury are not part of the Firefighters Pension Scheme and must be paid from the Fire Authority’s operating account, not from the pensions fund. The Fire Authority had complied with these requirements for injury awards since the rules were introduced in 2006 but had been charging the continuing payments for injury awards that started before 2006 to the pension find.  This had resulted in over claimed reimbursements from DCLG of £1.4m.  The Fire Authority found the error after it prepared its financial statements in June 2014 and had amended the accounts to disclose the impact on prior years and to reflect the liability.

The issue for the External Auditor is that the Authority may have to put a large item of expenditure in the operating account to catch up with this £1.4m.

The Chief Fire Officer had commissioned an independent investigation into how this has happened and a report would come forward to the Authority for Members to scrutinise. 

Members requested a briefing of the investigation at the next meeting on 3 December 2014.  The Director of Legal and Governance explained that depending on the findings of the investigation, it would be available for all Members at the Fire Authority meeting on 17 December.


That the content of the report be noted.

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